Ventura County Employees
Our beautiful Ventura County region boasts a public service network we can be proud of thanks to the hard work of SEIU 721 members. We keep Ventura County’s system of hospitals, clinics, Human Service Agencies, mass transit, public works and so much else, up and running. We lift up Ventura County. As the Coronavirus epidemic impacts communities from Ojai to Oxnard – and those of us providing services – we can rely on our union to provide the latest COVID-19 updates for Ventura County members here.
Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Win Big Victory on Hospital Safety Standards - For too long, nurses have been asked to provide patients with high-quality care amidst dangerously low staffing levels. Never has this fact been illustrated more vividly than during the COVID-19 pandemic, as ERs have run out of beds and hospitals have been overrun with novel coronavirus cases. But there is
A Strong Union Contract Protects Ventura County Fire Dispatchers - Steward Jordan Roberts, steward Brandon Miller, Marnie Morgan, and Michael Orozco. The Coronavirus public health crisis is wreaking havoc on our Ventura County resources. Our frontline workers in the hospitals, Sheriffs and Fire District are working countless hours to keep our communities safe. However, until recently, our members in Fire
SEIU 721 County of Ventura Members Win Increase to Maximum Vacation Accrual - The COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc in our workplaces and in our lives. SEIU Local 721 is moving swiftly to keep up with all the changes in all our jurisdictions to help keep all workers and the clients we serve safe. Our union was able to argue and push for raising
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for the County of Ventura - COUNTY OF VENTURA The COVID-19 pandemic is causing shifts in our lives and in our workplaces on a daily basis. SEIU Local 721 is moving swiftly to keep up with all the changes in all our jurisdictions to help keep all workers and the clients we serve safe. Here are
COVID-19 County of Ventura Health Care Agency Update - County of Ventura Health Care Agency WSO Edwin Valdez and the member leaders continue to push for the safety and well-being of our members throughout the Health Care Agency. We are holding department managers responsible for providing necessary PPE so that our members can perform their duties with a sense
Ventura Superior Courts Update on Limited Court Closure - Our union has been in constant contact with Ventura Superior Courts to help protect workers during this Coronavirus pandemic, especially those who are on the frontlines. Since March 16th most Court workers have been at home and the Courts have only been open on a limited basis. Courts have been
Ventura County – Clarification on Labor Relations Challenge 80-Hour Attestation Forms - COUNTY OF VENTURA Our union knows that the Coronavirus pandemic is paramount on everyone’s mind – especially those of us working directly on the frontline. Since March 13, we have been in constant communication with Labor Relations, demanding to be kept abreast of all communications sent to our members from