Voting on new LAHSA Tentative Agreement starts today!

Our union has reached a Tentative Agreement with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. That means it’s time for all of our SEIU 721 members at LAHSA to vote on our new TA! Our LAHSA Bargaining Team recommends a YES vote. Please note: You must be a member of our … Read More

SEIU 721 Victory! June 6, 2017 Election Results:

Our hard work paid off!

After weeks of knocking on doors, making calls, and getting voters to the polls for our endorsed candidates, we have elected women and men who will fight for households like yours and mine.

We work hard, and we live up to our values. We are proud to support leaders who do the same.


Making the Difference: From the June Primary to the November General Election!

The way we win elections is by talking with voters. And with over 500 shifts as volunteers in consistent door knocking canvasses, and marathon phone-banks, SEIU 721 helped make the difference for our endorsed candidates by running a winning member-to-member voter contact, education and GOTV operation!