Statement by SEIU 721 President David Green on Overturning of Roe v. Wade

SEIU 721 President David Green issued the following statement in response to the US Supreme Court’s ruling today in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. “Our union will fight for full freedom for women, nothing less. SEIU 721 will not stand idly by while more than half the people of our nation … Read More

Anti-worker. Anti-union. Pro-corporation. Pro-1%. Gorsuch is wrong for the Supreme Court, and wrong for America!

Donald Trump attacked us when he nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

In the words of SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry, “this is a step backwards for every American who wants a good job, the opportunity for a better life for their family, and a real voice in our economy and democracy.”

If Gorsuch is confirmed, the Supreme Court will rule against the communities we serve by gutting the public sector, silencing worker voice, and doing away with collective bargaining.

Click here to tell Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris to stop Gorsuch!