Inland Region Celebrates Social Worker Month in March

During National Social Worker Appreciation Month, SEIU 721 proudly honors our dedicated members who serve the most vulnerable residents in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura Counties.

Social Workers Strengthen Our Families and Communities

Social workers help the most vulnerable people in our community. Each situation is challenging and life changing for those in need. SEIU 721 San Bernardino County Social Service Practitioners pride themselves in working with families and community agencies to prevent children from being injured or killed.

San Bernardino Professional Unit Votes YES to SEIU 721

After several years of fighting to get out of a corrupt Association that often went against their members’ best interest, over 800 San Bernardino County workers in the Professional Unit voted to join SEIU Local 721 last week.

SEIU 721-HSA Workload Forum Leads to 59 New Ventura County Jobs

The County of Ventura Board of Supervisors voted on August 5, 2014, to approve 59 new positions to help keep children safe in the County. The new additions, which include 30 new social workers, are the result of SEIU 721 Local members and staff working tirelessly with the County of Ventura through the joint Workload Forum to find better ways to lessen the impact of child abuse and neglect in our community.

LA County Social Workers Respond to Blue Ribbon Report

We have dedicated our professional lives to keeping these most vulnerable children safe. But we are, as the Commission said, “overwhelmed by caseloads significantly above the national average” and forced to deal regularly with the problem of where to place endangered children when there is a “shortage of safe and appropriate foster homes.”

Honoring Inland Area Social Workers

March is National Social Worker Appreciation Month and this year’s theme is “All People Matter.” All through the month, SEIU 721 celebrated the hard work that Social Workers perform for our community. Highlights of activities included SEIU 721 Riverside County social workers being honored by the Board of Supervisors, worksite lunch meetings held around the county with the culmination of a lunch for Medical Social Workers at Riverside County Regional Medical Center.