The Work We Do : Adolfo Granados

Adolfo Granados was in the 7th grade when he and his five siblings learned a life-changing lesson in the agricultural fields of Fresno, CA. After noticing the kids had become a bit too “comfortable” living the city life in Burbank, Adolfo’s father whisked the family off to central California to show … Read More

Voting Rights Act Turns 50; More Work To Be Done

SEIU 721 is proud to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.
The Voting Rights Act, championed by the Civil Rights movement and ultimately made possible by everyday individuals who stood up and marched to demand justice, has played a tremendous role in giving disenfranchised communities a voice at the ballot box.

Riverside County Per Diem Workers to Vote on First Contract

The SEIU 721 Riverside County Per Diem bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement with management. If ratified, Riverside County Per Diem bargaining unit members will receive raises and other economic incentives, union rights and grievance procedures, in this, their first contract. Ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on Aug. 5 to be counted.

Children of Riverside County Members Awarded $20,000 in Scholarships

SEIU Local 721 presented $20,000 in scholarships to the children of 25 Riverside County members. The scholarships, awarded at the start of the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, ranged from $250 to $2,000 and are a part of the SEIU Training Fund, a joint effort between SEIU 721 and Riverside County.

Happy Fourth of July

We wish you a happy and safe Fourth of July. Enjoy your freedom, family and friends, you deserve it. All SEIU 721 offices will be closed on Friday, July 3.

Celebrate Nursing Appreciation Month With Us

Join us Saturday, May 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., as we recognize and show appreciation for the hard work that nursing professionals do every day to help families and improve communities.

Public Service Week: SEIU 721 Members Honored

From Riverside to Indio, Palm Springs to San Jacinto, Beaumont in-between and the County of Riverside, Public Service workers were honored at Council meetings during Public Service Recognition Week.

City of Indio Chapter Selects 2015 Bargaining Team

SEIU 721 City of Indio Chapter members gathered at the end of February to elect alternate members of the bargaining team, meet with Eloy Alvarez, SEIU 721 chief negotiator, and fill out bargaining surveys. The bargaining team heard a financial presentation from the City and discussed bargaining ground rules.