Happy New Year from SEIU 721

Holiday hours at all SEIU 721 offices will be modified. All offices will close at 1 p.m. on Christmas and New Year’s Eve; closed on Christmas and New Year’s days. Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday.

Some L.A. County employees qualify for a $70 transit stipend!

How does an extra $70 monthly for transit passes sound?
If you qualify, all you have to do is register and purchase your passes two months in advance by calling WageWorks: 1-877-924-3967
If you:
(1) Are represented by SEIU 721
(2) Do not receive the Civic Center Transportation Allowance
(3) Purchase your transit passes monthly through the Commuter Benefit Plan (CBP) via Wageworks &
(4) Spend $70 or more per month on your transit pass
Then you are eligible to receive a $70 subsidy per month!
CBP is only available to L.A. County employees. Sign up with WageWorks and start saving today! 1-877-924-3967

Inland Members – Community Hold Toy and Food Drive and Holiday Picnic

For past month, SEIU 721 Inland members gathered unwrapped toys and non-perishable food for this year’s Holiday Toy and Food Drive. On Saturday, Dec. 12, they came together at Bryant Park in Riverside, to celebrate and donate the goods to Olive Crest, a non-profit foster service organization. Members and leaders from RPOA and IBEW Local 47 also participated, making it one of the most successful Toy Drive to date.

We Mourn the Victims of the San Bernardino Shooting

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the senseless violence in San Bernardino on Wednesday, Dec. 2. Together, we mourn for those fallen and hope for a speedy recovery for those injured and traumatized by this tragedy.

SEIU 721 Members Endorse Hillary Clinton

After members conducted a rigorous endorsement process for the past several months SEIU endorsed Hillary Clinton for president today, calling her a leader who will stand up for the working moms and dads building a movement to secure a better future for their families.

Riverside Superior Court Members Reach TA – Ready to Vote

Riverside County Superior Court members will see raises of 7% over the next two years. Members will be voting on the agreement by mail. You should be receiving the ballot shortly and they must be returned to the SEIU 721 Riverside office on Tuesday, Dec. 1.

San Bernardino Members Demand Accountability from Top Managers

San Bernardino County SEIU Local 721 members questioned the accountability of top county administrators after County Supervisors emerged from closed session on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015.

Every day our members come to work to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. They expect leaders that are willing to stand up and be accountability. They want leadership that they can trust.