COPE in Action

As public workers, SEIU 721 members understand the importance of the state budget in funding critical services we provide our communities.

Working Towards Workplace Violence Prevention

State authorities responded to demands from healthcare workers for new rules that will protect them from violent attacks on the job, with the Cal/OSHA Standards Board adopting a worker petition that will make California’s workplace safety standards for health care settings the strongest in the nation. After numerous attempts were denied in the 1990s, this victory comes at a much needed time and will redefine what it takes to have a safe and secure workplace in this day.

Commemorating the Armenian Genocide in Sacramento

On April 6, leaders of SEIU 721’s Armenian Caucus traveled to the Sacramento to attend the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. They participated in a series of commemorative events, including a vigil and meetings with supportive elected officials.