Riverside County College Scholarship Applications Now Available

Are you looking for ways to fund your child’s college education? Each year SEIU Local 721 and the County of Riverside offer joint scholarship awards to legal dependents of SEIU 721 members who are county employees. Application deadline is April 17, 2015.

Inland NAACP Chapter Honors VP Linda Dent and Labor Unions

The NAACP Riverside Branch 1059 honored SEIU 721 Vice President Linda Dent, with its Foot Soldier award at the civil rights organization’s Second Annual Labor Awards Dinner and Dance. The event took place on Saturday, Dec. 13, at the Radisson Hotel in Ontario.

Holiday Happenings in the Inland Area

The cool air of fall has finally come to Inland Southern California and as we give thanks and head into the Holiday season there are several SEIU 721 sponsored family friendly events to attend: Festival of Trees, Canned Food and Toy Drive, and Wreaths Across America Day.

¡Si, Mi Familia Vota! – Why it is Important to Vote

I’m an immigrant from El Salvador whose family came to the United States for a brighter future. My father’s most valued liberty was the right to vote. He instilled in all of us the importance and responsibility of voting.

Riverside County Per Diem Workers Join SEIU 721

After several years of stop and start negotiations with Riverside County, Per Diem workers at Riverside County Regional Medical Center (RCRMC) and Inpatient Treatment Facilities (ITF) finally won the right to organize, and on Tuesday, Sept. 23, after all the votes were counted, workers overwhelmingly voted to join SEIU Local 721.

Riverside County Medical Retiree Benefits Bargaining Begins

The SEIU 721 Riverside County Medical Retiree Benefits bargaining team met with County representatives on Tuesday, Aug. 26, for their first bargaining session. The team presented a proposal on improving the $25 a month retiree health benefit. Calling it a “win-win situation,” members encouraged management to consider the proposal on increasing and restructuring the parameters of the current benefit.

Riverside County Retiree Health and Job Parity Survey Now Open

Public employees have been under attack by anti-worker interest groups who have tried to blame public service workers for the recession. The real facts are that Riverside County public service retirees only receive $25 a month toward retiree medical benefits and current workers are below community standards in wages.