MCJ picket media coverage – check it out!

Our informational picket and rally that we held outside of Men’s Central Jail yesterday didn’t just get the attention of the people working there. News spread far and wide across Southern California and beyond! The Read More...

Join Us Saturday to Demand Democracy

IT’S NOW OR NEVER. The outcome of the presidential election hangs in the balance by mere thousands of votes in just a handful of battleground states. Yet, already, the Trump Administration is threatening lawsuits to stop ballot counting in states like Michigan and Read More...

LA Superior Court Workers Rally for Quality Court Services

  Over 1,000 SEIU 721 and AFSCME LA Superior Court workers rallied outside the Stanley Mosk Courthouse on Thursday to stand up for quality services for our communities. Court workers across LA County, including those in Airport, Alhambra, Antelope Valley, Central Read More...

On Tax Day, 721 Joined The Largest Mobilization of the Underpaid

It happened today. Thousands of fast food workers went on strike in hundreds of cities. And they weren't in the streets alone. SEIU 721 members were there in full force. Additionally, home care workers were there. Child care workers and teachers. Walmart employees. Adjunct professors. Airport Read More...

United to Keep Watts Healthy

We came together with community leaders and elected officials to ensure the stability of the workforce and the services that are desperately needed by one of LA's most under served areas. Read More...