Victory! Hundreds of ResCare Workers Organize to Join SEIU 721

Latest Victory in Worker-Led Organizing at Nation’s Largest Disability Service Provider

Yesterday, after an unprecedented statewide campaign that saw workers from across California demand the right to form a union with SEIU, over 300 ResCare workers joined the ranks of SEIU Local 721 after their union was officially recognized.

Purple Up for a Strong Contract at LGBT Center!

Your LGBT Center Bargaining Team is in the process of bargaining a new, strong contract that uplifts our work and the communities we serve! Our next bargaining session is Friday, September 2.

NEVHC: ALL IN for a Strong Contract!

Your Northeast Valley Health Corporation Bargaining Team is in the process of bargaining a strong contract that uplifts our work and the communities we serve! Our next bargaining session is Wednesday, August 3rd.

We’re wearing SEIU 721 stickers to show NEVHC we’re ALL IN for our patients, ALL IN for healthy communities, and ALL IN for a strong contract!

If you have any questions, please call our SEIU 721 Member Connection, 1-877-721-4968, or contact us online.

Take action on July 22!

Join us this Friday, July 22! Wear purple to show Northeast Valley that we’re ALL IN for community care!

If you have any questions, please call our SEIU 721 Member Connection, 1-877-721-4968, or contact us online.

Riverside County Per Diem Workers Join SEIU 721

After several years of stop and start negotiations with Riverside County, Per Diem workers at Riverside County Regional Medical Center (RCRMC) and Inpatient Treatment Facilities (ITF) finally won the right to organize, and on Tuesday, Sept. 23, after all the votes were counted, workers overwhelmingly voted to join SEIU Local 721.