Our L.A.S.C. Bargaining Team is Ready!

Our Los Angeles Superior Court contracts are set to expire on June 30 of this year, and our Bargaining Team is determined to represent the needs of our members and all those we serve through court services and the Read More...

Board of Supervisors Approves SEIU Contracts – A Note on Raises

On Tuesday, Dec. 8, the Board of Supervisors approved unit contracts for all SEIU Local 721 Los Angeles County bargaining unit members. Also approved was a fringe benefits contract which covers SEIU 721's  L.A. County, LACERA, and L.A. Superior Court  members. The Board action instructed the Read More...

Eligibility Workers Deliver!

When we fight we win! L.A. County Eligibility Workers (EW's) and Clerical Staff have been speaking out on the alarming number of cases under a system that has yet to catch up.On Monday, June 22nd their united voices made a difference! EW's and Clerical Staff Read More...

SEIU 721 Responds to DCFS Audit

Attention to all SEIU 721 DCFS CSW members! L.A. County DCFS recently concluded an audit, which found over 800 CSW's claimed weekend and evening mileage incorrectly, or logged into their computer outside of regular business hours without approval. While DCFS was ready to dish out Read More...

Mental Health Workers Celebrated

Commitment, Intervention and Recovery for Healthy Communities The First Annual Mental Health Awareness celebration was held June 6 at the Los Angeles SEIU 721. This event honored the work done by Los Read More...

L.A. County Bargaining Update

Thousands of you joined our kick off with thousands of members outside of the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration (WATCH VIDEO), inspiring a call to raise ALL of L.A. County! Our bargaining is now Read More...