Our Dynamic Partnership in Care

Everyday, our members are delivering exceptional experiences in whole person care by cultivating a safe and just culture for all! Learn more about how we’re building the health services, wellness, and healthcare delivery system of the future, please DOWNLOAD our LA County Health Agency Partnership and Integration kit today!

LA Health Agency Town Hall, August 31, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Whole person care, quality services and good health service jobs we can be proud of!

Get the latest on the integration of our departments, and help shape the future through our labor-management partnership!

Together, we’re becoming L.A.’s provider and employer of choice. Everyday, exceptional health service workers, are delivering exceptional experiences in whole person care.

Together, we’re building a state-of-the-art health agency. One that champions prevention, tailors services to support recovery and resiliency, and cultivates a safe and just culture to foster frontline innovation.

Together, we’re writing the next chapter in high-quality, patient/client-centered, universally accessible, and coordinated care in our County.

Join us!

Los Angeles County Health Agency Town Hall
Wednesday, August 31
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

* Learn more about integration
* Keep up to date on our partnership
* Shape the future of healthcare

DHA & DPH Admin. Bldg. Auditorium – 313 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Virtual participation is available at multiple locations.

Please email your questions in advance: PIO@dmh.lacounty.gov

2016 Nursing Gala Celebrates the Real Stars of LA County & the Inland Region

Greeted by welcoming remarks presented by President Bob Schoonover, and Regional/RN Director Patricia Castillo, over 300 members of SEIU Local 721, their families, friends, and special guests came together on the evening of May 14 to celebrate the real stars of LA County and the Inland Region: RNs, LVNs, CMAs, NAs, and frontline health workers!

Nominate yourself or one of your coworkers for a 2016 Gala Award!

Click here to download a 2016 Nursing Appreciation Gala Nominations Form, so you can nominate yourself, and one or more of your coworkers, for an award. Please note that you must answer all of the questions on the nomination form for it to be considered. You must complete one form for each person you wish to nominate, and submit it to Hilda Garcia by email , or FAX 213-289-5943, before 5 PM, on Friday, May 6.

What You Need To Know About Ebola

SEIU 721’s response to the Ebola virus in the United States focuses on proven public health and infection control practices to prevent exposure both to patients and to caregivers and other workers.

Come to the Healthcare Fair!

We care about your health! Come to the SEIU 721 Healthcare Fair and get free healthcare screenings and have your insurance questions answered. There’s even a special safety driving session for seniors! It’s open to the public so bring your friends and family.

Working Towards Workplace Violence Prevention

State authorities responded to demands from healthcare workers for new rules that will protect them from violent attacks on the job, with the Cal/OSHA Standards Board adopting a worker petition that will make California’s workplace safety standards for health care settings the strongest in the nation. After numerous attempts were denied in the 1990s, this victory comes at a much needed time and will redefine what it takes to have a safe and secure workplace in this day.