We won a tremendous victory by championing quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans! March 27, 2017 When tens of millions were threatened with the loss of their healthcare coverage, hundreds of thousands were threatened with the loss of their jobs, and tens of thousands were threatened with the loss of their lives, we fought back! When we fight we win!
Join us on 3/23 for a Day of Action to protect jobs & health: March 13, 2017 On Thursday, March 23rd, SEIU 721 members are taking the day off for a Day of Action to protect jobs and health care.
Last chance to choose the Health Agency of Los Angeles’ new logo and motto! February 27, 2017 You submitted your ideas for the Health Agency of Los Angeles’ logo and motto contest, and now it’s time to pick a winner: Visit HALA.care today and vote for the logo and motto you feel best represent the work you do, and the mission we champion together!