‘Let’s Talk About Exide’ Outreach Sat., June 10 with Sup. Hilda Solis!

The Exide Technologies battery recycling plant was a massive environmental injustice. As public sector workers, we care deeply about the health of the communities we serve. So let’s talk about Exide – and connect people to the health and social services that SEIU Local 721 members proudly deliver! Join us as we team up with Sup. Hilda Solis and the L.A. County Health Agency this Sat., June 10 at 8 a.m. for door-to-door outreach throughout Southeast L.A. County! More info here – Más información aquí:

SEIU 721 Victory! June 6, 2017 Election Results:

Our hard work paid off!

After weeks of knocking on doors, making calls, and getting voters to the polls for our endorsed candidates, we have elected women and men who will fight for households like yours and mine.

We work hard, and we live up to our values. We are proud to support leaders who do the same.


We Mourn the Victims of the San Bernardino Shooting

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the senseless violence in San Bernardino on Wednesday, Dec. 2. Together, we mourn for those fallen and hope for a speedy recovery for those injured and traumatized by this tragedy.