SEIU 721 COPE Members Kick-off the 2015 Endorsement Season December 5, 2014 The 2014 elections were just last month but already SEIU 721 COPE has begun hosting endorsement town halls for the 2015 races.
November 4th Election Results November 12, 2014 Candidates and ballot measures supported by 721 members did very well on the November 4th election.
Make a Call for SEIU 721 Member/Candidate: Gregg Fritchle October 15, 2014 Gregg Fritchle, SEIU 721 member and endorsed candidate is looking for some volunteers for his campaign.
What’s At Stake When You Don’t Vote? October 6, 2014 But in reality, people don’t vote because they think their vote doesn’t matter but by not voting you may be giving your vote to a candidate or cause you do not endorse.