Our Dynamic Partnership in Care

Everyday, our members are delivering exceptional experiences in whole person care by cultivating a safe and just culture for all! Learn more about how we're building the health services, wellness, and healthcare delivery Read More...

Time to Show The County We Mean Business!

It's time to crank up the heat on L.A. County and you need to be part of the action!  We've been bargaining since March, and the County still hasn't come to the table with a fair deal to alleviate the understaffing or with a strategy to Read More...

Come to the LA County Regional Council Summit

LA County members throughout the County will converged to organize for strength. You can register online here. We will: Launch preparations for next year's contract negotiations Join the fight for a $15 LA County minimum wage Win a progressive majority on the Board of Read More...

Be An United Way Community Hero!

You can help create pathways out of poverty for our community in Los Angeles County.United Way and SEIU 721 have partnered to kick off a one-month long campaign this June to help break the cycle Read More...