Purple Up for a Strong Contract at LGBT Center!

Your LGBT Center Bargaining Team is in the process of bargaining a new, strong contract that uplifts our work and the communities we serve! Our next bargaining session is Friday, September 2.

NEVHC: ALL IN for a Strong Contract!

Your Northeast Valley Health Corporation Bargaining Team is in the process of bargaining a strong contract that uplifts our work and the communities we serve! Our next bargaining session is Wednesday, August 3rd.

We’re wearing SEIU 721 stickers to show NEVHC we’re ALL IN for our patients, ALL IN for healthy communities, and ALL IN for a strong contract!

If you have any questions, please call our SEIU 721 Member Connection, 1-877-721-4968, or contact us online.

Take action on July 22!

Join us this Friday, July 22! Wear purple to show Northeast Valley that we’re ALL IN for community care!

If you have any questions, please call our SEIU 721 Member Connection, 1-877-721-4968, or contact us online.

2016 Nursing Gala Celebrates the Real Stars of LA County & the Inland Region

Greeted by welcoming remarks presented by President Bob Schoonover, and Regional/RN Director Patricia Castillo, over 300 members of SEIU Local 721, their families, friends, and special guests came together on the evening of May 14 to celebrate the real stars of LA County and the Inland Region: RNs, LVNs, CMAs, NAs, and frontline health workers!

Nominate yourself or one of your coworkers for a 2016 Gala Award!

Click here to download a 2016 Nursing Appreciation Gala Nominations Form, so you can nominate yourself, and one or more of your coworkers, for an award. Please note that you must answer all of the questions on the nomination form for it to be considered. You must complete one form for each person you wish to nominate, and submit it to Hilda Garcia by email , or FAX 213-289-5943, before 5 PM, on Friday, May 6.

St. John’s Members Vote Yes

This collective bargaining agreement is unprecedented. It lifts up our represented members by providing significant wage increases, including raising all wages to at least $15 an hour.