SEIU Local 721 Condemns Inhumane Family Separations at the United States Border

SEIU Local 721 Condemns Inhumane Family Separations at the United States Border; Vows to Elect Congressional Candidates Who Will Stand Up to the Trump Administration to Defend the Promise of the American Dream As Immigration Officials Tear Away Young Children from Families Seeking Refuge, California’s Working Families Promise to Elect … Read More

Riverside County College Scholarship Applications Now Available

Are you looking for ways to fund your child’s college education? Each year SEIU Local 721 and the County of Riverside offer joint scholarship awards to legal dependents of SEIU 721 members who are county employees. Application deadline is April 17, 2015.

This Little Light of Ours

Tiny lights lit up the street in front of North Los Angeles Regional Center (NLACRC). Parents, special needs activists, community organizers, clergy and service coordinators held a solemn candle light vigil. We gathered to tell the management of NLACRC.

Tapping into Compassion

Anti-immigrant protests in Murrieta, California are intimidating and scaring children fleeing violence in Central America. That’s why SEIU locals in California are launching a week of action. We want to bring attention to this humanitarian crisis. We must put the children ahead of partisan politics.

We Are Ensuring Child Safety Through Transparency

After lots of hard work by our coalition of children’s social workers, Governor Brown signed a bill that will hold our counties accountable for hiring children’s social workers. Remember during the LA County contract we pushed hard for this commitment from the county. Now we have a way to hold our counties accountable.