San Bernardino County Professionals Stand Up for Child Safety

Hundreds of San Bernardino County professionals and several community leaders gathered at lunchtime on April 28th to protest short-staffing in county departments and to show support for their bargaining team, which has been at the table since last August trying to win a fair contract that will deal with high caseloads and workloads.

Social Workers Strengthen Our Families and Communities

Social workers help the most vulnerable people in our community. Each situation is challenging and life changing for those in need. SEIU 721 San Bernardino County Social Service Practitioners pride themselves in working with families and community agencies to prevent children from being injured or killed.

This Little Light of Ours

Tiny lights lit up the street in front of North Los Angeles Regional Center (NLACRC). Parents, special needs activists, community organizers, clergy and service coordinators held a solemn candle light vigil. We gathered to tell the management of NLACRC.

Child Safety Has No Border

Our American values of justice and compassion ought to guide each of us as adults — whether a parent or not – to help kids who are in danger, regardless of economic or immigrant status.