San Bernardino Members Demand Accountability from Top Managers

San Bernardino County SEIU Local 721 members questioned the accountability of top county administrators after County Supervisors emerged from closed session on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015.

Every day our members come to work to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. They expect leaders that are willing to stand up and be accountability. They want leadership that they can trust.

LA County: Fair Contract Now!

On Tuesday hundreds of LA County members descended on the Hall of Administration to demand a fair contract that respects our work.

Supervisor Stone Assures RCRMC Workers: Your Jobs Are Safe

On Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014, nearly 200 public service workers from the Riverside County Regional Medical Center packed three informational sessions to hear directly from Jeff Stone, Chairman of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Thursday’s open forum Q&A sessions at the hospital were hosted by SEIU 721, but all hospital employees, regardless of union affiliation, were invited to attend this historic event due to the importance of the information being discussed.