For media inquiries, please contact SEIU 721 Communications Director Mike Long at

Media Advisory for Wed., Aug. 28, 2019 — Hundreds of Uber and Lyft Drivers to Take to Capitol in Culmination of Historic Three Day, 500-Mile Motor Pilgrimage to Demand the Passage of Assembly Bill 5 and a Path to Unionization

Hundreds of Uber and Lyft Drivers will take their historic motor caravan directly to Sacramento lawmakers after a three-day pilgrimage with a motor rally to support Assembly Bill 5 and union rights; After concluding trip with a motor rally, drivers will hold a first-of-its-kind statewide drivers’ congress to map out next steps in their union organizing campaign

Media Advisory for Tues., Aug. 27, 2019 — Hundreds of Uber and Lyft Drivers on Historic, 500-Mile, Three Day Pilgrimage Take Demands to Uber HQ in Downtown San Francisco in Unprecedented Show of Driver Strength

Hundreds of Uber and Lyft Drivers from across California will descend on the Bay Area, taking their hundreds-strong motor pilgrimage to Uber’s doorstep to demand they not impede the passage of Assembly Bill 5 and a path to unionization for drivers; Drivers will discuss their struggles and their demand for AB 5 and a union at a worker roundtable in Oakland

Media Advisory for Mon., Aug. 26, 2019 — Historic 500 Mile Uber and Lyft Driver Pilgrimage Meeting with United Farm Workers in Fresno, Will Demand Chamber of Commerce Stop Efforts to Block AB 5

Hundreds of Uber and Lyft Drivers en route to Sacramento from Los Angeles will meet with United Farm Workers members in Fresno, drawing attention to the shared struggles of drivers and farmworkers and hand delivering driver messages directly to the Fresno Chamber of Commerce to demand they stop their campaign against Assembly Bill 5 and drivers’ rights.

MED ADV for Mon., Aug. 26, 2019 – Uber and Lyft Drivers to Kick Off Historic 3-Day Motor Pilgrimage from from LA to Sacramento in Support of AB 5 and a Pathway to Unionize

Hundreds of Uber and Lyft drivers to pay homage to California’s historic labor fight with a journey through the Grapevine, stopping in the heart of the Farmworkers movement in Delano and Fresno on Day 1 before moving on to the Bay Area and the Capitol; Drivers are calling for the passage of Assembly Bill 5, which would end employee misclassification by Silicon Valley giants, and for the right to form a democratic, driver-led union.