(LOS ANGELES, CA) – SEIU 721 has received reports of members’ concerns regarding exposure to the novel Coronavirus across the various city and county facilities that we represent. In this rapidly developing situation, public facilities must be prepared to prevent and contain the virus. Staying up-to-date on the latest CDC guidelines and recommendations from health experts is critical — and facilities must be proactive in their prevention and management practices.
Our union is actively working with employers to ensure facilities and worksites have the equipment and supplies they need; that workers are trained in the right protocols for their job and workplace; and they are appropriately staffed. Frontline public workers are leading the fight for safer workplaces, and their efforts are an important step in protecting the health of our communities.
SEIU 721 represents over 95,000 public sector employees in Southern California. The safety and health of our members is a priority and is critical to ensuring a workforce that can continue providing the high-quality care and services our communities need now more than ever.
Contact: Coral Itzcalli: 213-321-7332, coral.itzcalli@seiu721.org
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