June – July 2023

Bringing the Fight to LA City Hall

In a massive show of force, SEIU 721 City of LA members packed the Los Angeles City Council’s June 16 meeting to deliver a simple message: “We’ve had enough.”

May – June 2023

Healthcare Workers Fight for Fairness

“Union workers in LA fight for a vision of society that uplifts all,” said Green. “Meanwhile, we’re surrounding by symbols of unfathomable wealth, made possible by the exploitation of working people. We’ve got to put an end to this. It’s time for working people and our unions to strike back and exercise our power.”

April – May 2023

CA Gig Workers Take On Uber

2022 was a defining year for our union. SEIU 721 members literally held Southern California together during the COVID-19 pandemic, and emerged from the crisis stronger, more unified and wiser.

March – April 2023

Ready to Fix LA

It’s time to Fix LA. After working tirelessly keep California’s largest city running, LA’s working families face the multi-pronged crisis of skyrocketing living costs, spiraling homelessness and a declining quality of life that is driving thousands of Angelenos to give up on the state entirely.

February – March 2023

How do we solve LA’s homeless crisis?

Homelessness is at crisis proportions in LA County. According to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 30% of all unhoused Americans live in California — almost half of them in Los Angeles County.

2023 President’s Road Ahead Report

Fighting For Our Future

2023 will be a defining year for union workers — across the country, around our state and right here in Los Angeles, the Tri-Counties and the Inland Area.

December-January 2023

Ring In A New Year

2022 was a defining year for our union. The communities we serve emerged from COVID — in no small part because of the heroic efforts of nurses, health care workers and other public employees across California.

November – December 2022

Don't Get Grinched

For the past several years, a group calling itself the “Freedom Foundation” has contacted SEIU 721 members during the holidays — encouraging us to “give ourselves a Christmas bonus” by dropping our union membership. But the funding behind all these holiday-themed emails, mailers and uninvited home visits comes from a sinister group funded by right-wing billionaire Grinches who want to steal a lot more than just Christmas.

President’s Annual Report 2020-2021

SEIU 721 RISING 2021-22

What a difference a union makes.
With SEIU 721 LA County members set to receive a 5.5% raise in their October 30 paychecks — the biggest raise in county history — and additional raises coming over the next two years, it’s worth remembering the union difference.