SEIU Retiree Committee Holds Health & Safety Fair

The Health Education Sub-Committee helped seniors arrange for emergencies by focusing on Disaster Preparedness during the Annual Health & Safety Fair on Nov. 14. Presenters included AARP, American Red Cross, LATTC and SEIU 721. Several vendors were on hand to share information and Read More...

We Did It! November 7, 2017 Election Day Victories!

Stand up and be proud, SEIU 721! Our hard work and commitment to raise up working families made the difference in our neighborhoods and across our country! Those of us who participate in the voluntary Committee on Political Education (COPE) give additional resources and time Read More...

LA City Bargaining Kick-Off on Nov. 15 at SEIU HQ!

Attention LA City members: Our next General Membership meeting will focus on 2018 Contract Negotiations! So if you care about wages, benefits and working conditions – you won’t want to miss it! We’ll also go over bargaining LA City survey results, make bargaining team Read More...

The Work We Do: Alan Peshek Retirement. It’s often the long-awaited end goal for employees who, after decades in the workforce, are rewarded with cleared schedules, alarm-clock free Read More...