LA City Bargaining Team Results Are In!

LA City Bargaining Team Results are in!
(Last Updated 12/26/17 11:30am) Ready to Fight at the Bargaining Table to Get the Job Done! You cast your vote to stay on the winning path with the new LA City Bargaining Team. Congratulations to the new 2018 Read More...

UNION 101: “Right to Work”

They say it's the "Right to Work." What they DON'T say is it's really the Right to Work....FOR LESS! This so-called "Right to Work" scheme has been around for decades - in fact, even Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out against it! The great Civil Rights Leader spoke Read More...

UNION 101: Glossary of Terms

Whether you're new to the union or have been a long-time member, here's a glossary that will help give you a better understanding of labor terms. Arbitration: To resolve disputes between an employee and an employer, a union contract or work rules establishes a formal Read More...

Break Bread, Not The Budget!

Riverside County workers spread some early holiday cheer this week with a visit to the board of supervisors office. Accompanied by Rev. Copeland of St. Paul AME, we brought a gift basket to Read More...

A Crack in Riverside County’s Armor!

Judge Throws Out Injunction and Labor Board Moves to Set Hearing for an Unfair Practice Charge! Right on the heels of a State Superior Court Judge throwing out a strike injunction on the grounds that no strike was imminent, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) has issued a complaint Read More...