LA County members: Time to fill out your bargaining survey!

Contract bargaining for SEIU 721's LA County members is fast approaching. So we want to hear from you! What do you think our union should prioritize? Let us know by filling out your bargaining survey! You can submit your bargaining survey online. Or you can download it, print it and Read More...

Take That! Another Complaint Issued Against Riverside County.

The County thought they could threaten workers for showing their union pride—wrong! Since contract negotiations began with the County of Riverside, management has pulled every stunt in the book to break down workers and silence our united voices. Despite the County’s Read More...

LACounty Radiological workers show that Unity Pays Off!

LA County workers in various Radiological classes have proven once again: Together We Win! SEIU 721 members have been fighting for nearly two years to correct an unintended wage inequity issue created in the 2015-18 contract. The wage change resulted in some entry level Read More...

UNION 101: Timeline of Labor History

Building a New Nation 1600s  New England and Middle colonies settled by mix of free farmers and craftsmen, many indentured servants, and some African slaves; Skilled workers form first guilds 1607   English planters found Jamestown colony and complain about lack of laborers 1619   Read More...