Court Reporter Online Voting Instructions

Court Reporter Online Voting Open for 48 Hours Our union has reached a strong tentative agreement that lifts up all of LA Superior Courts! To accommodate court reporter schedules, BU 861 will be able to vote on ratification online for a 48 hour period. To view your TA summary, click here. Voting Read More...

Riverside County Workers Rise Up & Picket!

On Tuesday, Riverside County supervisors Marion Ashley, John Tavaglione and Chuck Washington voted to impose an insulting contract on Riverside County public servants. While the County sits on more than $150 million Read More...

Victory! New TA Builds Stronger LA Superior Court

We did it! After months of exhaustive contract negotiations, LA Superior Courts has reached a Tentative Agreement on an excellent three year contract! Members will receive an increase in salary, guaranteed fully-paid medical and dental, and more! We achieved all of this by Read More...

LA County Temp & Part-time Employees Bonus UPDATE!

LA County employees represented by SEIU 721 scored a major victory with our latest 3-year contract but there are still some points to work out for part-time and temporary employees. The Agreement reached between SEIU 721 and the County of Los Angeles includes a "$1,000.00 Read More...

Riverside RN Raise Is Short Term Bandaid

This morning, on the heels of voting to impose an insulting last, best and final offer on the hardworking employees of Riverside County, the board also voted to approve an equity raise for a selection of County nurses. This equity raise is both long overdue and also not nearly enough to ensure a Read More...