Gov. Newsom: LA County Needs Reinforcements NOW

We in the healthcare field know best the exhausting toll that COVID-19 is taking on our patients, our hospitals and on us. Cases are surging and Southern California is already at the brink even before what's sure to be another wave after the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Join our Read More...

Who’s got your back? THE UNION – that’s who!

Lately, the usual suspects – like the Freedom Foundation – have descended on us with their phony promises to put a few dollars in our pockets … if only we’ll abandon our union, SEIU 721. WHO DO THEY THINK THEY’RE KIDDING?! Let’s ask ourselves: Where Read More...

Don’t Get Scrooged

You may have received a mailer recently from an outfit called the Freedom Foundation, suggesting that you can “give yourself a Christmas bonus” by quitting your union. You should know that Read More...