SBCERA Bargaining Team Nominations 2021

The nomination period for our SBCERA Bargaining Team is now open! This is your opportunity to represent your coworkers at the table as we propose classifications that have fallen behind everyone else and should Read More...

County of Santa Barbara – Time to Gear Up for Bargaining!

County of Santa Barbara It's time to prepare for our upcoming bargaining campaign for Santa Barbara County employees. Our contract expires on June 27, 2021. We need to hear from you! It is only with our unity and participation that we can help protect services in our community. You can start Read More...

Riverside County Reopener Bargaining Team Nominations 2021

The nomination period for our Riverside County Parity Pool Reopener Bargaining Team is now open! This is your opportunity to represent your coworkers at the table as we propose classifications that have fallen behind everyone else and should receive market adjustments. Read More...

City of Ventura – Fighting for a New Strong Contract

City of Ventura Our bargaining team has been hard at work for the past month, meeting with city management several times and working on proposals and offering counters to management proposals. We are facing unprecedented times and our bargaining team is leaving no stone Read More...

Call Congress and Demand Massive Federal Relief

Essential workers have been holding it down for all of us while the pandemic rages on. We've been on the frontlines fighting for the lives of COVID patients, processing aid for families in our communities and keeping our streets and workplaces clean and safe to provide vital services during Read More...