Get the Facts on our USD NTT Faculty Union Election and Campaign

UPDATED: May 20, 2024. Election FAQ for our vote-by-mail union election: Q: Is there a new election?  Yes, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ordered a new mail-ballot union election for non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) because of an issue with Read More...

The Union Difference at University of San Diego

Non-tenure track (NTT) faculty at the University of San Diego are the heart of our institution. We do most of the teaching and carry out the core functions of our university: instruction, mentoring, research, service, Read More...

LA City Council Unanimously Approves our MOU!

April 17th marks a milestone for every LA city member. The Los Angeles City council unanimously voted to ratify and finalize our 5-year MOU that's bringing 6% in raises in 2024, and over 22% in raises during the life of our contract. The culmination of our landmark Read More...