Happy New Year from SEIU 721

We wish you happiness, health and hope in the new year. Please note all SEIU 721 offices will be closed on Thursday, January 1st.

A Transformative Year in Labor

2014 was a year like no other. We are in the midst of an exciting and groundbreaking era for labor–and SEIU 721 has been at the forefront of this transformation. We are leading the fight on multiple fronts–working to protect middle-class jobs, push for a $15 minimum wage, and hold banks and big corporations accountable for paying their fair share.

This Little Light of Ours

Tiny lights lit up the street in front of North Los Angeles Regional Center (NLACRC). Parents, special needs activists, community organizers, clergy and service coordinators held a solemn candle light vigil. We gathered to tell the management of NLACRC.

Inland NAACP Chapter Honors VP Linda Dent and Labor Unions

The NAACP Riverside Branch 1059 honored SEIU 721 Vice President Linda Dent, with its Foot Soldier award at the civil rights organization’s Second Annual Labor Awards Dinner and Dance. The event took place on Saturday, Dec. 13, at the Radisson Hotel in Ontario.

Inland Members Collect Toys-Food for Needy Families

As the sun peaked out under retreating storm clouds, the SEIU 721 City of Riverside chapter teamed up with Riverside County members, IBEW Local 47 and the Riverside Police Officers Association for a joint union canned food and toy drive that concluded with a fun Holiday Barbecue on Saturday, Dec. 13.

United to Keep Watts Healthy

We came together with community leaders and elected officials to ensure stability of the workforce and the services that are desperately needed by one of LA’s most underserved areas.