SEIU 721 Members In the Tri-Counties Tell ALEC To Stop The Assault On Working People

SEIU 721 members, retirees and community activists from the Tri-Counties region went down to San Diego to protest the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting on July 22. The group participated in the actions along with other labor allies in the Tri-Counties Central Labor Council. The bus load of activists left from Camarillo and also included UDW AFSCME members who came all the way down from Santa Maria on the Central Coast.

On our Way to Stamping Out Poverty Wages in L.A. County

Raising the minimum wage in unincorporated L.A. County provides a game-changing opportunity for working families struggling to make ends meet, as well as a vantage point for our L.A. County members currently bargaining to raise up all of L.A. County. Over the last 3 years, SEIU Local 721 has anchored the fight by L.A. Fast Food Workers to increase the minimum wage throughout the Greater L.A. Region.

Children of Riverside County Members Awarded $20,000 in Scholarships

SEIU Local 721 presented $20,000 in scholarships to the children of 25 Riverside County members. The scholarships, awarded at the start of the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, ranged from $250 to $2,000 and are a part of the SEIU Training Fund, a joint effort between SEIU 721 and Riverside County.

Time to Show The County We Mean Business!

We’re putting the call out to all Bargaining Committee Members, all Stewards, all Activists, and all CAT Teams for a very important contract update meeting and BBQ on Saturday, July 25th at SEIU Local 721.

Vote for Herman Santos for LACERA Board

Your LACERA election ballot should have arrived at your home in an envelope from the L.A.County Register-Recorder. Open the letter, cast your vote for Herman Santos, and return your ballot right away.

Happy Fourth of July

We wish you a happy and safe Fourth of July. Enjoy your freedom, family and friends, you deserve it. All SEIU 721 offices will be closed on Friday, July 3.

Eligibility Workers Deliver!

This new commitment to more Eligibility Workers is just the beginning. In order for ACA to succeed for L.A. County’s most vulnerable families, it’s critical we decrease the case backlog and ensure everyone has coverage when they most need it.

SEIU 721 Juneteenth Celebration

“Our Lives Matter” is the theme of our celebration as we celebrate the rich heritage of Juneteenth which is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.