Simi Valley Members Start Bargaining and Pay Tribute
Our unity and participation are the foundation of a contract that lifts up our families and the community we serve.
When we work together we can demand the right tools to fix what’s broken, lift up our own families and communities, and keep Simi Valley working.
The SEIU 721 bargaining team met with City negotiators for the first session on April 5th. The team went to the table with a clear sense of your priorities via the comprehensive bargaining survey results.
Public Service Recognition Week celebration at Inland Region Office
SEIU 721-Riverside County Scholarship Applications Now Open for 2017-2018
Escalation Up to and Including Authorization of a Strike in Riverside County
Riverside County Members Call Out County CEO Jay Orr on Shady Wall Street Deal and Sweet-heart Contracts
The condemnation from the County’s frontline workers and community advocates comes at a time Riverside County is proposing reckless cuts at the bargaining table on the back of public employees and at the cost of cuts in services. The mismanagement of public dollars has inhibited Riverside County from prioritizing funding for the urgent needs in the County.
Dangerous and Unsafe Working Conditions throughout Riverside County Spur SEIU 721 Members to Resort to Self-Defense!
In response to the increasingly dangerous working conditions that have been continually ignored by Riverside County management, Riverside County SEIU 721 members have begun participating in three self-defense classes this week at worksites across the County to equip members with the skills needed to stay safe on the job.