The History of “Right to Work”

right to work map
So-called “Right to Work” laws have been all over the news recently, as more and more states fall prey to this anti-worker legislation. An attack by greedy corporations and anti-worker politicians, so-called “Right to Work” legislation is meant to strip workers of their bargaining power and Read More...

Riverside County ULP Strike Notification

Enough with Riverside County's Unfair Practices! For more than a year we’ve tried to negotiate in good-faith with the County of Riverside but they have consistently stayed on their low-road of breaking labor law after Read More...

SEIU 721 Statement on Charlottesville

Charlottesville Statement
The violence and hate espoused by the white supremacists behind Saturday’s deadly terror attack in Charlottesville strike at the very heart of what it means to be an American. SEIU 721 members Read More...

Cesar Chavez: A Champion for Change

One of our greatest social activists and labor leaders is Cesar Chavez, who after leaving school in the 8th grade to work in the California fields with his family, went on to lead the charge for rights for millions of farm workers. Chavez’ contributions go beyond any one cause, with Read More...