Homelessness: It could easily happen to you

By Laura Roberts-Newman Perhaps I was in a serious state of denial but even after two nights of sleeping in a hedge on Sunset Blvd. it still hadn’t truly sank in. When a man came up to me holding out a piece of Read More...

LABOR DAY: Birthed in blood, the battle continues

This Labor Day, we are coming together to celebrate our past and all the Labor movement has provided, as well as consider our future and how all that we’ve fought for and won is being threatened by those behind the so-called Right to Work attack. Starting today and for the rest Read More...

Ready To Strike: Court Sides With SEIU 721

ULP Strike
Despite increasingly desperate attempts by Riverside County to silence our voices, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) reaffirmed Friday that the overwhelming majority of SEIU 721 members have the legally protected right to participate in our upcoming ULP strike on Read More...

Supporting Riverside Strikers

What's Going On In Riverside? For more than a year we’ve tried to negotiate in good-faith with the County of Riverside but they have consistently stayed on their low-road, breaking labor law after Read More...

Riverside County Strike Frequently Asked Questions

ULP Strike FAQ
For more than a year we’ve tried to negotiate in good-faith with the County of Riverside but they have consistently stayed on their low-road, breaking labor law after labor law! To date, we have filed 19 unfair practice charges against the County detailing its bad-faith bargaining, surveillance Read More...

SEIU Hurricane Harvey Relief

Harvey Relief
Our sisters and brothers in SEIU Texas, the Workers United Southwest Regional Joint Board, National Conference of Firemen and Oilers-32BJ/ SEIU and SEIU Local 1000 are among the Read More...

Riverside County Declares Impasse

Statement from SEIU 721 President Bob Schoonover on Riverside County’s Declaration of Impasse   “It’s not surprising that the County has made it their objective to stay on the low road Read More...