Riverside County Bargaining FAQ

For more than a year we’ve negotiated in good-faith with the County of Riverside but they have consistently stayed on their low-road, breaking labor law after labor law! The County's refusal to bargain in good faith Read More...

City of Santa Paula Members Win a New Contract!

WE DID IT! With an overwhelming YES vote, City of Santa Paula members won a strong three year contract which includes a 15% salary increase over the term of the contract! Through member unity and participation, our bargaining team was able to win a contract that secures vital services for the Read More...

Join The Fire Zappia Tour

Temecula Drop Zappia
It's time for Riverside County's anti-worker attorneys at Zappia Law Firm to go! Keeping Zappia on the county payroll hurts our county workers, which hurts our entire community, so we're rallying the Read More...

Riverside County’s Whopping Number of Unfair Practice Charges!

Since labor negotiations began with the County of Riverside in mid 2016, we have filed a whopping 27 unfair labor practice charges against the County. That’s 27 times the County has stooped lower and lower to silence our voices and stonewall bargaining! The County has bargained with us in Read More...