LA City Contract Amendment 2020-2022 HQ
We recently reached an accord on a LA City Contract (MOU) Amendment 2020-2022 (VIEW CONTRACT AMENDMENT SUMMARY), that will achieve significant savings for the City and eliminate layoffs and furloughs this fiscal year along with added protections against future furloughs. This agreement was made possible by the strength of your bargaining team Chairs and members and the solidarity of working together as a part of the Coalition of City Unions. We also invited other unions to participate in negotiations because of the serious economic and health issues facing not just our City, but the State, the Nation and indeed the whole world.
A YES vote closes the door on layoffs and furloughs this fiscal year and holds the line against additional furloughs in the near future. A YES vote also protects your salary increases, adds paid personal time and avoids the worst effects of unilaterally imposed furloughs on our membership.
A NO vote will give way to 11 furloughs this year, plus an unknown number of additional furloughs next year and will keep the door wide-open to possible layoffs and furloughs as this economic crisis develops.
Where and when can I vote?
There are three ways for you to make your voice heard and ensure your vote is counted.
A) Online Voting. It’s easy, fast and safe. Online vote begins January 18th at 9am and closes January 27th at 5pm. You can access cast your vote here by your MOU below — click here to find your MOU by Job Title
Online Voting by MOU
B) Vote by Mail. You can cast your vote via mail. Mail packets were sent to all members. All votes by mail must be sent back and arrive to the SEIU 721 local by 9PM on January 27th.
C) Work Site Voting. There will be limited opportunities to vote in person due to COVID19 and locations will be posted here, please stay tuned.
* Please note COVID-19 pandemic has caused frequent delays in the postal service. We recommend you vote on-line. If you did not receive a mail packet you can call 877-721-4968 to request ballot or obtain further assistance.
** If a member casts both a mail and online vote, the mail ballot will be made void and the online vote will be counted.
What Are You Voting On? City of Los Angeles Contract (MOU) Amendment 2020-2022 Overview
- This contract amendment will do away with furloughs and layoffs for all of fiscal year 2020-21. If the City thinks they may need to furlough in the future, they must first meet & confer with your union before trying to implement them.
- It will extend our MOU’s for 18 months to December 31, 2022 and delay our January and June 2021 raises to June 19, 2022.
- We will take another two unpaid days in 2020-21. The Friday before Presidents Day, February 12, 2021, and the Friday before Memorial Day, May 28, 2021. We also have an unpaid day from the earlier LOA which will be on Friday April 2, 2021.
- We got the City to agree to increase the cap on Overtime Off from 80 hours maximum to 240 hours maximum.
- We also gained 40 hours of paid Personal Time off each calendar year. This time may be taken in hourly increments and may be taken on shorter notice than vacation time. The 40 hours is for each calendar year and you must use it within that year or you will lose it.
- In addition we were able to secure urgent adjustments for Classes in MOU 36 and MOU 4. It adds certain Classes to the resurfacing and slurry sealing bonuses in Street Services; it adds a daily rate bonus for workers in Sanitation cleaning catch basins or sewers, involving homeless encampment or illegal dumping; and raises up Wastewater Collection Workers II to Step 6, if they are not yet on that Step.
- We obtained a reopener for January 2022, giving us an opportunity to reassess the economic situation.