L.A. plans to declare a fiscal emergency, cutting worker pay

Los Angeles Times

Bob Schoonover, president of Service Employees International Union Local 721, called the furloughs “illegal” under existing salary agreements and irresponsible in the middle of a pandemic. “The last thing L.A. city needs is more working families struggling to keep a roof over their heads or food on their table,” he said.

ICYMI: 721 Members Go to AZ to Support HEROES ACT

A virtual delegation of SEIU 721 members traveled from SoCal to Arizona with a message for U.S. Senator Martha McSally: Vote YES on the HEROES Act! Hundreds of SEIU 721 members amplified their voices by submitting videos of themselves telling Sen. McSally about their work and why securing federal funding … Read More

CA Legislature considering $100B economic stimulus plan

Ch. 7 Eyewitness News

Bob Schoonover, president of SEIU California and SEIU Local 721, said in a statement that the proposal would borrow “from future generations without demanding that today’s billionaires and powerful corporations step up and contribute.”