A través de una guía, a los trabajadores de la salud asintomáticos que hayan dado positivo o hayan estado expuestos al virus les están dando la oportunidad de regresar inmediatamente a sus labores
Tuesday, nurses and representatives with the SEIU 721 union gathered outside the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting in downtown to L.A. to speak out.
Markeitha Harris, an LA County Public Health Nurse, joins Juan Fernandez and Jasmine Viel to discuss concerns many healthcare workers have over policies that would put COVID positive workers back into the workforce without isolation periods.
“Son guías muy peligrosas y también contradictorias a la ciencia, y a lo que sabemos que si va funcionar”, dijo Ileana Meza, enfermera de oncología del hospital LAC+USC.
“The way that you drive this pandemic down is by staffing up properly: stop the county’s overreliance on registries, on traveling nurse registries, on contracting out,” nurse practitioner Ileana Meza told reporters.
The head of the union that represents nurses in the county called the new guidelines — which allow Covid-positive health care workers to skip quarantine if asymptomatic — “outrageous and dangerous.”