We Stand Together #SBStrong

San Bernardino Memorial and Victims Fund Launched as Part of Multiyear Effort to Support the Long-Term Needs of San Bernardino Victims and Families

As families gather to mark the Holiday Season, SEIU Local 721, in collaboration with Labor Community Services, are launching a multiyear memorial fund to benefit the families of those killed on December 2, 2015, as well as to provide support to the San Bernardino County employees directly impacted by the tragedy.

Happy New Year from SEIU 721

Holiday hours at all SEIU 721 offices will be modified. All offices will close at 1 p.m. on Christmas and New Year’s Eve; closed on Christmas and New Year’s days. Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday.

Big Win at Ventura Pension Board

The pension board that oversees the pensions for County of Ventura workers was moving to exclude Market Based Premium Pay from being pensionable. This move from the Ventura County Employees’ Retirement Association (VCERA) Board would have hurt workers’ secure retirement. VCERA’s third-party counsel felt sure that it was interpreting the law correctly.

City of Santa Paula Members Approve Tentative Agreement

SEIU 721 members in the City of Santa Paula voted by a large margin to approve the tentative agreement.

This was the second vote on a tentative agreement, members rejected the first one. After members spoke up before the last city council meeting closed session, the council assured them that they would set up a process to become more informed on future bargaining negotiations.

Labor Day 2015: Marching for All Families

On Labor Day hundreds of SEIU 721 members, families and community allies, marched in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara to celebrate all that is good and strong about being in a union. Other groups held picnics and rallies in celebration of the work we have achieved, and the challenges we have before us.

SEIU 721 Members In the Tri-Counties Tell ALEC To Stop The Assault On Working People

SEIU 721 members, retirees and community activists from the Tri-Counties region went down to San Diego to protest the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting on July 22. The group participated in the actions along with other labor allies in the Tri-Counties Central Labor Council. The bus load of activists left from Camarillo and also included UDW AFSCME members who came all the way down from Santa Maria on the Central Coast.