Together We Rise on July 22nd

"If someone tried to deprive you of your rights, you've got to resist it. You've got to resent it. You've got to fight against it." -A. Phillip Randolph SEIU Local 721 members are gearing up for the July 22nd Unity Read More...

Hundreds take Rise & Resist Leader oath at Unity Summit

In a milestone moment for SEIU Local 721, hundreds of members took the oath to become Rise & Resist Leaders at an inaugural Unity Summit held at St. Sophia Cathedral in South Los Angeles this past Saturday, July 22. "Our union is facing a serious threat - the threat of Read More...

L.A. County Sanitation District, BU 500, Blue Collar Victory!

The vote count is over and it's official - an overwhelming majority of L.A. County Sanitation District, BU 500, Blue Collar members voted in favor of the new Tentative Agreement with cost of living increases, new certification/license pay, and new allowances and bonuses for work and wellness Read More...