Safety Forum at Twin Towers on July 23rd!

In late April, over 200 hundred frontline workers from Twin Towers and Men’s Central Jail filled out your union’s survey to aid the mass grievance investigation. There’s an alarming number of reports of workers Read More...

L.A. Labor Strikes Back!

Los Angeles— Less than 24 hours after the U.S. Supreme Court ushered in the so-called “Right to Work” era for public sector workers, hundreds of union workers from a cross-section of L.A. unions united at City Hall to denounce the court decision and show their solidarity Read More...

Anti-Worker Attack Prepares to Hit California

CA Union Strong
The Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision, which is expected to establish nation-wide Right to Work (for less) in the public sector, will likely arrive sometime before the end of June, and anti-worker forces like the Freedom Foundation are already preparing to do everything they can to strip Read More...