City of Los Angeles Rolling Rallies

 Together, We’re Bargaining for the Biggest Raises in LA City History  Since August, our LA City bargaining teams have been meeting with City officials daily to negotiate a strong, new contract with the largest wage Read More...

Already, Our LA City ULP Strike is Getting Results

This week showed the city and the country exactly what we’re capable of when we’re fed up. On the heels of our historic 24-hr ULP strike that made local and national news, and in a dramatic turn of events, LA City Mayor Karen Bass reached out yesterday to our union Read More...

Our LA City ULP Strike Line Locations

Please check this page for updates As you know, we’re going on a 24-hr ULP strike on August 8th at 12:01AM over the City of LA’s bad faith bargaining and repeated labor law violations. As we stated before in our ULP Strike Q&A, a ULP strike is legally protected activity. Our SEIU Read More...