Not in Our Backyard! Riverside County is Everyone’s Fight.

The fight against the forces that want to incapacitate and muzzle our labor movement is happening right here in our own backyard of Riverside County. Just last week our SEIU Local 721 sisters and brothers launched a historic two-day Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike against Riverside County over Read More...

Hundreds take Rise & Resist Leader oath at Unity Summit

In a milestone moment for SEIU Local 721, hundreds of members took the oath to become Rise & Resist Leaders at an inaugural Unity Summit held at St. Sophia Cathedral in South Los Angeles this past Saturday, July 22. "Our union is facing a serious threat - the threat of Read More...

100 Days of Corporate Giveaways

President Trump's first 100 days in office have shocked America. During his campaign, Russian intelligence operatives reportedly manipulated Donald Trump's lack of knowledge and experience to further Read More...