City of L.A. Senior Personnel Analysts Vote YES to Join SEIU 721

This morning, Confidential Senior Personnel Analysts with the City of Los Angeles voted overwhelmingly to join LAPMA, an affiliate of SEIU Local 721. Their landslide victory sees them join SEIU 721 represented Personnel Directors, who made unprecedented gains in their last contract: paying Read More...

SEIU 721 Members Vote to Stay in Coalition of City Unions

Solidarity remains strong between our City of LA members and our sister unions, with SEIU 721 members voting last night to stay in the Coalition of City Unions – the organization powering Fix LA’s movement to add 5,000 new union jobs to the city’s workforce. With an Read More...

We Honor Dr. King’s Legacy of Fighting for Working Families

Today SEIU 721 members in Los Angeles and Oxnard joined marches honoring Dr. King’s legacy of civil rights leadership and tireless advocacy for labor rights and economic justice. In Los Angeles, a parade led by SEIU 721 members leaders like St. John's Chief Steward Gary Poe Read More...

Happy Holidays SEIU 721!

‘Tis the season to gather with friends, family and loved ones! You and your fellow SEIU 721 Brothers and Sisters have worked hard all year. So be sure to enjoy the fruits of your labor over the holidays! And remember: While millions of people are enjoying Christmas and New Year’s Read More...