Season’s Greetings from President David Green

I hope you’re able to spend a wonderful time with your loved ones this holiday season. For me, this is always a time for reflection, and, recently, I’ve thought a lot about a concept that’s vital and dear to SEIU 721 members: solidarity. Solidarity is essential to our union. We can’t Read More...

LA City Bargaining Update on Escalation Vote

Great news.  All unions have finished their ULP strike vote and members overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike.   We have the strike authorization in our pocket if we need it. We have more great news.  The Read More...

LA City Intensive Bargaining Update

After three consecutive days of non-stop intensive bargaining between the Coalition of LA City Unions and city management, we've made significant progress in our contract negotiations. Our ongoing rolling rallies, our worksite unity breaks, our relentless phone banking, and Read More...

Our LA City Strike Authorization Vote Starts on Nov 29th at 9AM

For months, our elected bargaining teams have negotiated with City officials around the clock to secure a strong new contract that reflects our priorities: competitive wages, solving the understaffing crisis, defending and expanding healthcare, protecting our secure retirement, and winning an even Read More...

City of Los Angeles Rolling Rallies

 Together, We’re Bargaining for the Biggest Raises in LA City History  Since August, our LA City bargaining teams have been meeting with City officials daily to negotiate a strong, new contract Read More...