Free COVID-19 Testing by the L.A. Black Worker Center and St. Johns

Every one of us, regardless of where we live or what we look like, needs accessible healthcare, paid time to recover and resources to make ends meet. Black, brown and Indigenous communities have always been denied the resources needed to be healthy and so it is absolutely predictable that we are Read More...

LASANitzer is Union Made

Keeping our waterways, and beaches blue and pollution free is an around-the-clock essential job. In the City of Los Angeles, it’s a collaborative effort between LA Sanitation & Environment (LASAN) workers in Read More...

Steward Office Hours

Are you a Steward and you want to consult with other Stewards and Union staff about representation that you are doing at the workplace? Or, maybe you want to improve your knowledge on a particular area of the union contract.   We are available to: Discuss strategies for Read More...

BU 500, We’ve Got Your Backs!

Workers on the front lines at the LA County Sanitation Districts received a surprise donation from BU 500 steward Ruben Rios and an anonymous angel with first-hand knowledge of the importance of Read More...

NEW SEIU Convention Date – August 8 2020

Even amidst the enormity of the COVID-19 pandemic, SEIU is committed to providing a valuable platform for member delegates to unite virtually and build the agenda for working families across the country. The NEW SEIU Convention date is set for August 8th, 2020. Now more than ever, we must Read More...