June 2016 President’s Report

Our top story this month is the victory by San Bernardino Professionals, a textbook example of how member leadership can use the “Power of Purple” — our union’s deep resources; our experienced negotiators; our skilled team of attorneys, researchers, and communications experts; and our relationships with community, clergy, and political leaders — to win game-changing wins at the bargaining table.

San Bernardino Professionals Win Historic Deal!

We did it! After a year of organizing and action, we’ve secured a deal that begins the long process of restoring vital San Bernardino County services hobbled by attrition and short-staffing. Our tireless work as SEIU 721 members has paid off! Our San Bernardino Professionals Bargaining Team won one of the best contracts negotiated in years: One that includes pay raises and restorations, better medical and retirement benefits, new bonuses and allowances, an investment in public services and stronger grievance procedures to amplify the power of our voice on the job!

SEIU California Endorses Safety for All Initiative

This week, SEIU Local 721, alongside SEIU State Council and other SEIU Locals from across the state, announced our full support and endorsement of the Safety for All Initiative on the November 2016 ballot.

Time to Make Your Voice Heard to Raise Up Riverside County

Now more than ever, working under a union contract is the gold standard for American workers. But how much that gold standard shines is up to you as a union member, don’t let your opportunity to weigh in your new contract pass you by!  The SEIU Local 721 Riverside County Bargaining Team is now taking an online survey of members’ priorities, issues and endeavors for the upcoming Riverside County contract, and now is the moment to give your input.

Riverside County – Walk In Our Shoes

SEIU 721 County of Riverside members serve the community and often County leaders and even high-level managers don’t understand the complexity, pressure and sometimes danger of the work that members do on a daily basis.

Making the Difference: From the June Primary to the November General Election!

The way we win elections is by talking with voters. And with over 500 shifts as volunteers in consistent door knocking canvasses, and marathon phone-banks, SEIU 721 helped make the difference for our endorsed candidates by running a winning member-to-member voter contact, education and GOTV operation!