Riverside Faith Leaders Rise & Resist

This Monday, Temple Beth El and Rabbi Suzanne Singer in Riverside hosted a Rise & Resist summit, educating local faith and community group leaders about the threat of so-called "Right To Work" and the fight currently happening in Riverside. Rabbi Klein of CLUE provided a brief history of Read More...

Supervisor Washington’s Great Holiday Escape

For more than a year, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors has refused to bargain in good faith with the thousands of workers who dedicate themselves to making Riverside a great place to live. To remind the Read More...

Break Bread, Not The Budget!

Riverside County workers spread some early holiday cheer this week with a visit to the board of supervisors office. Accompanied by Rev. Copeland of St. Paul AME, we brought a gift basket to Supervisor Chuck Read More...

A Crack in Riverside County’s Armor!

Judge Throws Out Injunction and Labor Board Moves to Set Hearing for an Unfair Practice Charge! Right on the heels of a State Superior Court Judge throwing out a strike injunction on the grounds that no strike was imminent, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) has Read More...

Shining A Light On Riverside County’s Wasteful Spending

The Riverside County Board of Supervisors seems to prefer that their dealings with European consulting giant KPMG stay in the shadows. That probably makes it easier for them to do things like turn a $761,600 contract into a $40 million one through amendments - without the Read More...

Riverside County Bargaining FAQ

For more than a year we’ve negotiated in good-faith with the County of Riverside but they have consistently stayed on their low-road, breaking labor law after labor law! The County's refusal to Read More...