Union Workers, Essential Workers Delivered Biden-Harris Victory

Make no mistake about it, working people won this election. Union workers showed up to the polls in record numbers to choose unity, resilience and love for America. Our nation’s healing begins today. We are celebrating our incredible victory because, from day one, we refused to roll over Read More...

Join Us Saturday to Demand Democracy

IT’S NOW OR NEVER. The outcome of the presidential election hangs in the balance by mere thousands of votes in just a handful of battleground states. Yet, already, the Trump Administration is threatening Read More...

Your Vote Is Your Power — 3 Days of Action

This year the annual International Latino Caucus Latino Heritage Celebration will very different. With a worldwide pandemic raging on in the middle of the biggest election season in modern history — the number one priority has to be winning at the polls. We simply Read More...

This Labor Day, rest up for the big battle ahead

It’s been a momentous Summer on top of an extraordinarily challenging year that, much like the COVID-19 pandemic, is not over yet. For many of us, as SEIU 721 Members, it has been especially difficult. We make up much of the frontline workforce that has kept Southern California functioning during Read More...